Knowledge Generation

The knowledge generation component aims at deepening understanding of how to scale quality TPD effectively and efficiently in the Global South. This component has three sub-components: 1) Country Studies conducted by grantees and non-grantees, 2) Regional Studies, and 3) Global Studies

Country studies

Each research project is addressing a set of research questions that will contribute to our understanding of how to scale quality TPD effectively and efficiently in the Global South. Project activity can be categorized into the following types of scaling inquiry.

1. Projects in which there is an at scale TPD program that is being interrogated to identify adaptations (either enacted or potential) with the aim to make the TPD more inclusive, equitable and efficient while retaining quality.
• Grantees: Argentina, Mexico, Rwanda, Tanzani
• Non-grantee: Indonesia

1. Projects in which there is an at scale TPD program that is being interrogated to identify adaptations (either enacted or potential) with the aim to make the TPD more inclusive, equitable and efficient while retaining quality.
• Grantees: Argentina, Mexico, Rwanda, Tanzani
• Non-grantee: Indonesia

3. Projects in which there is a new TPD program or initiative as a development of previous work; researchers are exploring or testing the design with a scaling lens and a particular focus on inclusion, quality and efficiency.
• Grantees: India, Pakistan, Vietnam
• Non-Grantee: Jordan

Regional studies

South East Asia Study - Collaboration with SEAMEO

ETI is collaborating with the South East Asia Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat in Bangkok and SEAMEO INNOTECH, their regional center in Manila, to work in nine of SEAMEO’s member countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Timor Leste, and Vietnam). The goal of this collaboration is to strengthen the capacity of key teacher professional development (TPD) system actors in each country to craft policies and develop programs towards an equitable, effective, and efficient at-scale TPD system. The country teams will collaborate closely with SEAMEO INNOTECH and the ETI Impact Team to co-create a regional research paper with country case studies and concrete recommendations for improving TPD systems. These outputs will be presented to the SEAMEO Council of Ministers for consideration, setting the stage for transformative change.

LAC Policy Study

ETI aims to understand the factors influencing evidence use and uptake in policies and practices related to teacher professional development (TPD). The regional work will generate insights for the Policy and Practice Influencing (PPI) component, focusing on the socio-political decision-making processes that lead to TPD-related policy changes. This will help determine how ETI’s research evidence can better inform decision-making around TPD policies.

PPI Case Studies: Asia, LAC, Africa and the Middle East

Within the Complementary Research sub-component and with the goal of exploring the influencing factors for evidence use and uptake in TPD-related policy and practice, the program is initiating a comparative case study of PPI, at least one per region. The aim is to understand to what extent different models of PPI vary in efficacy and impact and the contextual factors that are at play.

Global studies

The Complementary Research sub-component has the objective of developing meta-studies and research on specialized topics at regional or global levels to complement the country studies, addressing ad-hoc research questions to fill the gaps that emerge from country-level research. 

The following are three themes that we have decided to prioritize in the research agenda:

Thematic studies arising from the Country Studies, for example, on cross-cutting issues or topics such as GESI, teacher agency and the role of teachers in the design of TPD activities, CoPs, use of technology, etc. (not enabled yet)

TPD delivery systems and models across the Global South. This refers to the various frameworks and methods used to deliver TPD. These systems define the ways in which professional development activities are provided, structured, implemented and accessed by teachers. Dimensions to be explored include centralization versus decentralisation; private versus public provision; face-to-face versus online versus blended design and delivery, etc. (not enabled yet)

Emerging technologies for delivering TPD. This refers to those innovative tools, applications and methods that have the potential to improve the quality and equity of TPD. Among such technologies whose affordances for TPD in the Global South can be explored and assessed are predictive and generative artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), wearable technologies, blockchain technology, etc. (not enabled yet)